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Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s we said it all the time.  I was called it.  I called someone else it.  It was socially acceptable to say and nobody got in trouble for saying it.  Yes, if said around a teacher, they might give you a slight verbal scolding.  However, the teacher didn’t have homophobic on their mind, rather just “that’s not nice.”  Sure we could of used synonyms of the word, such as:

  • Wimp
  • Wussy
  • Annoying
  • Obnoxious
  • Scaredy Cat
  • Slow
  • Awkward
  • Weak
  • Odd-man out in a group of FRIENDS
  • He’s not coming
  • Frightened

Ask any kid who used the word in the 80’s or 90’s if they were imagining the recipient sucking another man’s private parts.  I guarantee 100% would say “NEVER cross my mind in the slightest.”

Anyway, with the whole Transexual movement, we now have another group of words we can’t say.  It’s so bad that we’re no longer allowed to ask factual questions. For example, “What’s your real name?” is considered rude and cruel.  Are you f-ing kidding me???  I don’t even blame the group of people that are supposably being offended.  I blame the person who decided to take what they are and add “phobic” to the end of it.  Since every word needs a definition, “Transphobic” is defined as this: