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The USA would be a much safer and less criticized place if cell phones were never invented. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, when the internet and cell phones did not exist (For majority of population). And you know what? It was great. The youth of America had freedom to do and say what they want without being judged.

Sample day in 1990 at 10 years old:

815am – walk to school through the woods

830am to 3pm – school. Always bullied, but dealt with it. Guys called me and I’d call them a faggot. (Now that word is offensive and inappropriate, which is absurd. EVERY teenage guy in mid to late 90s used that word at least once. Why? Because if you were scared to do something back then, that was the most appropriate word in the dictionary to describe that behavior. In little league, dads would always be calling us that and time managed to continue on. Dialogue of Moms watching on lawn chairs “why did Rick just call Mitchell’s son Kyle a faggot?” ….. “Kyle didn’t even bother to swing the bat and was scared of getting by ball from pitch.” …. “Oh, got it. Makes sense.”

315pm – walk home from school and check in with mom at 330pm. Gave quick 2-minute answer to how school was and then said I’m going outside. Her final words “ok, just make sure home by 7 for dinner.”

335pm to 645pm – Spent doing whatever the f#&k we wanted and where we wanted. NO INTERRUPTIONS, no beeps from pocket, no checking in, nothing in pockets, etc. We never got bored because someone would always have another stupid thing to do, usually involving possible serious injuries… for example, who could jump off the highest thing and land on ground without getting hurt.

7pm – home for dinner with family, while smelling like complete ass

730pm – 830pm possibly another hour of freedom in the dark.

830 – TV sitcoms or homework
10pm – bed

That’s it.

These days, I’m a YouTube addict. However, I’d love to have the internet and cell phone satellites turned off for just a few days. (Yes, landline phones would still be available). I remember for girls my age and older, that having your “own landline” was huge. Let people remember what it was like to communicate from that period a long, long time ago. Lol. (was like this a short 20-25 years ago).

This is enough and my thumbs hurt.