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I recently read a blog post, not dating related, rather listing the 8 habits to ditch before turning 30 years old.  Honestly, they were all great tips and I actually had almost half the habits on the list. For example, I remember a few from the list :

  • Don’t ditch plans with friends or family last minute.
  • Not doing what I love for work
  • saying “sorry” all the time

Reading this list made me want to create something similar but geared towards dating.  Online dating was once a legit thing and I know plenty of people who are now married from certain WEBSITES.  Yes, I put websites in all caps because I believe the dating APPS, also known as the slide left or slide right apps, are what caused the downfall of all dating through technology.  Anyway, for those who are serious about finding someone and tired of being single, here are my Top 5 Tips (in no particular order):

  1. Utilize all the space provided to complete a profile.  Stop playing Pictionary and using only your pictures to meet people.  By not writing anything about yourself, it makes you look very lazy, but most of all, that you really don’t care about meeting someone.
  2. STOP taking pictures with you not in it.  Nobody cares if you’re an artist and can take great photos with your phone.  It’s extremely annoying and you’re wasting others time.  This includes pictures of your pet, children, car, monuments, sunsets while on vacation, quotes, etc.  Grow up!
  3. I should’ve left the “Grow up!” for the end of this one.  Seriously, you need to stop with the snapchat pictures.  How old are you?  I didn’t realize this was a dating app for preschoolers.
  4. Do they still have the glamour photo places in local malls?  I remember in the mall near me growing up, there was a store in the mall that did glamour shots.  Take these photos down if you are using them.  You look nothing like that.  If you are going to use a glamour shot, make sure you also put up a photo of what you look like right after waking up.  That way we know what we’re really in for.
  5. People in their 30’s should NOT have wrinkles yet.  Why are we lying about our age now?  It’s obvious you are at least 50 and not 35.  However, if you were addicted to the tanning booth all throughout your 20’s, then maybe you do look 10 years older than your actual age.  For the love of god, we need to stop injecting air or whatever it is, into our lips.  Big lips are not attractive and you look like the Joker from Batman.  Do you really want to look like the Joker?  STOP THE BOTOX.

Is it too much to ask for honesty?  That’s what people want and nothing more.  Good luck!!