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I saw this article and was very surprised. Here’s basically what the story said:

  • The Executive Team behind the mobile dating application “Bumble” is mostly women.
  • Since this country is all about Women moving forward, the L.A. Clippers, who are a professional basketball team in NBA, decided to put the Bumble logo on their jersey for a game.

For those who don’t use the Bumble application, it’s practically identical to “Tinder.” HOWEVER, there is 1 major difference, well 2 but I’ll get into that one after. Unlike “Tinder” in “Bumble” after you pair up with someone, ONLY THE WOMAN can initiate the conversation.  The MAN has to sit back and wait to see if she actually initiates a conversation.  If not, and 24 hours passes, she goes away FOREVER.  There’s nothing that the man can do in the situation.

I’m all for Women being equals to men in all shapes and sizes.  However, if I were to turn the situation around and swap the genders, would it still be fair???

For example, what if there was an application the worked exactly the same but ONLY MEN could initiate the conversation???  I guarantee there wouldn’t be any logos on NBA jerseys for that company.  Furthermore, there would be public outrage over the entire app and calling it sexist.

I think women need to look at sensitive topics from that point of view before they get take action.  I’m all about things being FAIR.

Oh yeah, the 2nd thing…. there’s a major difference in how a girl looks between the 2 apps.  Bumble has beautiful women that seem to good to be true, and Tinder has women that don’t even look like women….  Yikes!!!